PRO-TEC is a leader in processing steel, including advanced high-strength grades, helping automakers build cars that are lighter and safer.
Now Hiring
Increase in earnings for 2024!
Earning potential over $4,500/month ($26.30/hourly equivalent) and over $940 per month towards your retirement and benefits allocation.
* Base salary is $3,814/month
* Overtime built in by working scheduled shift is ~$524/month
* Shift premium when working nights ~$173.34/month ($2.00/hour on nights)
* $720 Benefits allocation
* 5% in 401K
* 1% match
To apply, candidate must have a high school diploma or the equivalent, be at least 18 years of age with a valid driver’s license at the time of employment, have the ability to work rotating shifts and perform physically active job tasks. Candidates must be willing to participate in pre-employment testing and screening.
To apply go to